05 April 2007

it is all about the shape

If you are a reader of this since the beginning you saw me (my avatar) changing, growing up...
First, I tried all the freebie skins I got around SL but I wasn't quite satisfied with the result. After that, I tried all the freebie shapes. I didn't quite understand the difference between the two. When I finally found the perfect shape my avie started to look really cute. Then I went to look for a skin.
When you consider buying a new skin make sure they have demos. Try the demos. Feel comfortable? Like the new look on your avie? Try various skin tones and different make-up to choose your favorite. We all have different taste, so you must choose the one that you like most.
You can buy a shape or make your own. Or you can buy a shape and then modified to your preferences. If you have a good shape, almost any skin will look good on you.

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