04 March 2007

Midian City - A Dark RP Community

Midian City

Midian City - 21st Century
Another world war come and gone.
And miraculously once again the big red button was not pushed. So the world and the life that clings ever more precariously to its surface lived to see another dawn.
Those that fought and survived the carnage of this latest high tech machine war returned home to find little had changed. And those that had no real homes dispersed like shadows into the darkness of the great sprawls of urban chaos which the world’s cities had now become cities like Midian.
Another tangled mass of past and present architectural anomalies, pushing ever upwards towards the sky, leaving its down trodden dwellers far below in the ever darkening canyons of concrete and steel. It stands alone on an offshore Island once connected by a bridge that reached across the treacherous waters of the Quinntukhat river like a great artery pumping fresh life and trade from the mainland into the cold heart of Midan.
But suddenly, 20 years back, that source of life blood had been severed.
So the Island is now once again cut off from the mainland as it had been a few centuries earlier when it was home to a leper colony. And now, as then, the world just across the water seems to have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to this city of lost souls.
You see the Government preferred not to dwell to long on the subject of Midian. It was here in 2013, in the darkest days of the war, that the “final solution tests” supposed to end the conflict, went drastically wrong, and created a radiation wasteland uninhabitable for some years after, and turned the surrounding waters into a chemical soup of decaying seafood. And this was why the bridge was closed and the city evacuated, a crude attempt to put the tragic events out of sight and hopefully out of mind.
However, after a while life did return to this blighted place. Slowly and illegally at first, a few of the less desirable elements of the surrounding states, dared the dangerous river crossing and found refuge here. Then the influx of fresh blood picked up a pace when it was realized by the criminal elements on the mainland that law and order was passing this place by.
So now far from the gaze of polite society and elected law, a new colony of sorts has arisen, except this time the lepers are of the social kind and the disease is corruption.
At first no one cared about these new city dwellers, believing that they would all be dead from radiation poisoning within a year or so, but for some reason this did not appear to be happening and as time passed and the population of the mad bad and dangerous to know began to swell, it was clear that something had to be done to at least contain the problem, if not to stop it.
So the government decided to contract out the management of the city to one of the large corporate Security companies that had begun to spring up over the past few year to compensate for the inadequacies of the understaffed and underpaid state police departments. These companies still called themselves police forces, and took upon themselves all the trappings of the state police. But they are in most cases little more than criminal cartels.
None more so than the present governing body of the island, the self styled MPD. In order to quell the flow of unsavory citizens onto the Island or at least to appear to be earning the extremely high sums of money they charged for their services , the MPD placed a heavy guard on the bridge.
But it is said that this is more a way of forcing extortionate admission fees from those wishing to escape the law of the mainland than any real attempt at blocking entry.
So Midian stands as an example of what can happen when crime, violence, perversion and corruption are mixed together and left to boil unattended in a melting pot of urban decay. The accumulated sins and excesses of men and beasts have shrouded the entire city in an unyielding night of shifting shadows and flickering lights. In this deranged little corner of the world, none hope for better, maybe just the strength to make it through the night. Here the meek inherit nothing, the poor die cold and hungry and the old and weak are prey for the strong, here the choice is simple, fight or run, hunt or be hunted.
Walk down the wrong back alley in Midian and you can find just about anything, and you probably will.

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