24 May 2007

[review] Maitreya - Kabballah Meditation Retro Tops: 37 The Big Picture

The print on this top is a Kabbalah meditation. It is said that these Kabbalah meditations will help you focus and will guide you in the direction you want to go. I like them because I find these affirmations very inspiring and the letters are just so beautiful and mystical.
There are 72 of these meditations, I have made prints out of 4 of them.
This is the description and translation of the meditation of your choice:
Meditation 37. The Big Picture
I will see more deeply into my life,
into my consciousness,
and fully understand the seeds I am planting.
I notice the correlation between cause and effect in my own life,
and I understand where I am going.
I will spread love and light, knowing that they are what await me tomorrow.
I will bring joy and fulfillment to others, knowing that that is what will fill the world around me.
I will focus on the big picture, the plans of the divine Creator,
and connect to that Light source.

Maitreya by Onyx LaShelle

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